
The work of the alumni association is done mainly by a group of committees. Each member of the alumni board is assigned to specific committees that may remain the same for their term on the board or may change as interests and the needs of the board change or are adjusted. Volunteers are often requested to serve on committees. Listed below are the operational mission statements of the current committees.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the 香港六合彩官网资料 Alumni Association board of directors consists of the current president of the alumni association, vice president-elect of the alumni association and the immediate past president (if still on the board), as well as the secretary/treasurer and one other member of the board of directors. The executive director shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member. The Executive Committee provides administrative continuity for the association, has interim authority to act on behalf of the board, reviews and develops agenda items for the board, serves as a clearinghouse for ideas and suggestions, assigns items to the various committees, and serves as a liaison between the association and the university.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee consists of a minimum of three active members of the association, appointed by the president and confirmed by the board. One member shall be a member of the board. The chair is appointed by the president. The committee shall be responsible for soliciting, compiling and submitting nominations for annual alumni awards in accordance with the association's policies and procedures.The awards committee shall make recommendations for the recipients of all alumni awards to the board of directors.

Legislative Committee

The Legislative Committee consists of representatives from Southcentral, Southeastern, Northwestern and Interior Alaska, appointed by the president from the active association membership. The members shall coordinate support for the university and higher education in general among state and local elected officials. The support is to be brought about through the advocacy of individual alumni, affiliated alumni organizations, and campus officials and friends of the university. Members shall be responsible for monitoring legislative actions and passing concerns from alumni and 香港六合彩官网资料 to legislators.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall ensure a comprehensive budgeting system that will enable the association to keep revenue and expense in balance and to increase the association's reserves and investments, thus ensuring the financial stability of the association.

Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee shall recommend the number, dollar amount and type of scholarship recognition to be granted by the association and the individuals to receive the same. The selection of the Alumni Full-tuition Scholarship is an example of a scholarship the committee oversees.

Board Governance Committee

The Board Governance Committee oversees nominations to the board, annual board elections and continuous board improvement and development. The committee shall be responsible for soliciting, compiling and submitting nominations for election to the board of directors and for administering elections in accordance with the association's policies and procedures. This committee also supports board training, development and strategic planning.

Ad hoc committees

The board of directors may create any ad hoc committees that it deems appropriate for the general purposes of the association and designate their members. The members may or may not be members of the board of directors.