Alumni Spotlight – Chris Marok

Chris is the owner of Allstate Insurance, Chris Marok Agency. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration in 2010 and an MBA in 2012.

Chris Marok_fish Why did you choose to attend ϲʹ?
There were many factors, but one of the biggest was the ability to stay in my hometown, close to family and friends. I was also able to continue enjoying the outdoor activities unique to Alaska while working on my degree. Both my parents were teachers and emphasized the importance of a good education. I knew ϲʹ was a great school and provided the perfect setting for both my personal and educational interests.

Share with us an outstanding teacher or class.
It’s hard to pick just one, but Business Law with John Burns stands out. The course was extremely challenging and very stimulating; it really pushed me to want to better myself. I have found that much of what I learned in that course is relevant to the insurance industry and has made me a better agent.

What is a favorite SOM memory?
While in the MBA program, I was a teaching assistant and worked directly for Dr. Ping Lan on many projects, the biggest of which was the Arctic Innovation Competition. However, another project Dr. Lan assigned to me directly was to help create a video series for a new leadership course he was developing. During the 2011 spring semester, he tasked me with scheduling interviews with nine leaders in nine different major industries here in Alaska. I met with each of them one on one, asked them all the same questions, and then edited the recorded interviews into a video series. It was an awesome experience sitting down with the various CEOs, presidents, directors, and other heads of organizations throughout Alaska, and listening to the advice and stories from these men and women. The one bit of advice every single one of them mentioned was how important clear communication is to the health of their organizations – which is advice I still use every day.

How did SOM prepare you for your professional career?
The best preparation I got from SOM was my time working as the President of the 2011 Arctic Innovation Competition. It was the culmination of everything learned in the classroom and putting that information to use in the real world. I led a team, met deadlines, maintained a budget, and accomplished all the goals necessary to put on a successful national event. That experience helped me grow as a leader and translates to all the things I do on a daily basis in my own business.

What does being an alumnus mean to you?
For me, being a ϲʹ alumnus means I am a part of something huge - a gigantic family with ties all over the world. It brings me closer to the City of Fairbanks and the great people here in the Golden Heart of Alaska. I love telling people from the Lower 48 that I am a Nanook, and watching the look of confusion take hold.

What keeps you enthusiastic about your career?
The constant ability to learn and grow. With the changing needs of my clients, corporate policies, and industry regulations, I am constantly driven to learn new things; otherwise I’ll get left behind. I get asked something new almost every day, which helps keep things interesting. I would go crazy in a monotonous career with no change or variety to the everyday routine. I feel blessed to have a career that keeps me stimulated and pushes me to continuously better myself and those around me.

What’s the number one skill or practice that has contributed to your success?
Being able to visualize a completed goal, no matter how big or small, and formulate the necessary steps to get there. When it comes to the goals, setting expectations to stay the course – no matter the obstacles that may arise, and hopefully the carrot at the end of the stick – will be worth it in the end.

What advice would you give to current students?
Ask questions. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for clarification or further information. Knowledge is power and questions keep the lines of communication open to gain more knowledge. I tell everyone in my office the old cliché, “there is no such thing as a dumb question” all the time. As long as they are asking me questions, it means they are learning and growing. They all know they can ask me any question at any time.


  • Favorite breakfast food?  Toss-up between French Toast or a Philly Cheesesteak omelet.

  • Dream Vacation Destination?  Australia and New Zealand

  • What book are you reading?  Re-reading “Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything,” by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner.

  • Go to music streaming channel?  The Black Keys Radio on Pandora.