April 5, 2022

Sandra Wildfeuer, President, Faculty Senate
Daniel M. White, Chancellor   
Response to March 23, 2022 Memo regarding Vaccine Requirement Request Process for Immunocompromised Faculty

Thank you for your memo requesting further guidance on a process to request vaccine requirements for Fall 2022 classes, particularly as it relates to immunocompromised faculty. 

In general, faculty wanting a vaccine requirement for their Fall 2022 class should submit a vaccination requirement request through their dean following the process outlined here ( => => ). These requests will be reviewed by me in the middle of July and then forwarded to President Pitney for her review. Vaccine requirements remain by exception only as approved by UA President Pitney. No vaccine requirements are currently in place for Fall 2022 classes. It is important to note that vaccine requirements were approved in Spring 2022 for only a limited number of classes and specific to high duration/high contact classes. 

Faculty who are immunocompromised and wish to request a medical accommodation should follow our standard process for ADA accommodations. UA Human Resources reviews and approves requests for medical accommodations. (). 


Jennie Carroll, Chair, Faculty Senate Ad Hoc COVID-19 Committee
Ataur Chowdury, President-elect, Faculty Senate
Anupma Prakash, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor