Miscellaneous Expenditures

Major account classification for expenditures not included in other major account groupings as specified below. Entries for budget, payroll or accounting purposes may not be made to this account code.

For budget entry purposes only by chief financial officers of MAUs and Statewide Budget.

Budget reserved for additional unidentified capital project costs.

For budget entry purposes only - Used by grant and contract offices to record and track assumptions for 0 to 90 days.

Expenditures for entertainment and related expenses. Limited to use by certain university administrators with approved representational allowances. Accounts for the cost of all alcohol served at university functions. Does not include meals served that are included in the conferences, which are included in the fee.

Expenditures for prizes and/or awards given to non-employees. Examples include winning a contest or competition. If the winner is an employee, use account code 1761.

Bad debts incurred from non-collection of receivables or over expenditure of restricted funds. This account code may also be used to record a provision for potential bad debts based on experience or other analysis. See A-05 in the University of Alaska Accounting and Administrative Manual, Section 100 for guidance on when to use.

Expenditures for subsequent reissues of stale dated checks written off by the university. This account code to be used by Statewide only.

Interest and fees charged on overdue invoices including contractors鈥 invoices.

Interest paid on any debt/obligations other than interest on overdue invoices. Includes interest on loans, lease purchases, bonds, and utility assessments etc. Not used for recording payments on lease purchases and/or long term debt in the current funds - see A-10 鈥淟eases鈥 in the University of Alaska Accounting and Administrative Manual, Section 100.

Principal payments on long-term debt (fund 600000 only).

Pension and OPEB expense recorded in accordance with GASB68 and GASB75, respectively. To be used by Statewide only.

Net increase/decrease to university debt due to lease purchases, bonds and notes payable. To be used only with Investment in Plant fund group (8xxxxx), and only by Statewide Finance.

Disbursements made to University of Alaska Foundation.

Disbursements made to University of Alaska agency fund group. Offsetting entry is credited (CR) to account code 9992. Example: net proceeds of raffles distributed from 香港六合彩官网资料 to student clubs such as ASUA.

Disbursements made from University of Alaska agency funds to University of Alaska departments. Offsetting entry (CR) to account code 9455. Example: a booster club disbursement to the athletics department.

To recognize disallowed restricted fund expenditures as an offsetting credit in the restricted fund with a debit (expense) in the unrestricted funds. Account code 8651 is used for both sides of the entry. Entry to this account code is after the discovery of disallowed costs and is made by the campus Grants and Contracts office only. Additional entries for associated facilities and administrative costs are required using appropriate rates.

To record sponsored activity overruns resulting from program personnel salary increases related to the UA Total Compensation Review. Use account code 8660 for both sides of the entry: The restricted fund credit compensates for the overruns and the match fund records the offsetting debit, resulting in unrestricted funds covering a portion of total project costs. Record other types of project overruns using account code 8661.

The credit recorded in the restricted fund to compensate for overruns. The offsetting debit is recorded in the unrestricted fund. Account code 8661 is used for both sides of the entry. In effect the unrestricted fund is funding a portion of the project but all related costs are recorded in the restricted fund. Record personnel cost overruns specifically resulting from the UA Total Compensation Review using account code 8660.

For use in capitalizing improvements to land grant subdivisions and other lands to prepare them for sales. Credit to this account code and debit to 0423 other inventory.

Current year expense (or revenue) from adjusting ACT (Advance College Tuition) Valuation Reserve Liability to actual. The ACT Valuation Reserve Liability is the difference between the current cash value of the ACT credits and the participants鈥 cost.

Difference between tuition value and cash value of ACT tuition credits. Recognition occurs on the use of ACT credits when the tuition value is lower than the cash value.

 Depreciation expense.

Depreciation expense for service/recharge center equipment.

Gain/Loss expense on disposal of service/recharge center equipment.

Expense for the disposal of plant assets. To be used only with Investment in Plant fund group (8xxxxx), and only by Statewide Finance.

Matching expenditures of the unrestricted or other restricted funds for matching requirements of grants and contracts (is recorded as a debit to unrestricted or restricted funds, with an offsetting credit to account 8992 in the related individual restricted fund).

Matching expenditures of the unrestricted fund requirements of grants and contracts. These matching funds are allowed by the grant or contract to generate facilities and administrative cost recovery. Record as a debit to unrestricted funds with an offsetting credit to account code 8993 in the related restricted fund.