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Is waste contaminated with any material of human or animal origin?@#  b   l  <o f  I8   JB R   0h p  +Does the waste contain cultures of bacteria, recombinant DNA organisms, viruses, or material that is contaminated with such agents (pipet tips, gloves, microfuge tubes, etc.)?, 2# , a , f  6o XB )@ 0Do ~L  -#  & + Bh0 4NO l2 , <oXB / 0DoGXB 2 0Do+rL  3# +>. 4 <`h0 4NO f2 5 6oXB 6 0DofXB 8 0Do 2 rL  9# 2 >."  : <h0 4NO f2 ; 6oXB < 0Do# k 8 > .q   >.A `B > 0Do 8 zT  ?# >8 .(  @ <h0 4NO f2 A 6o`B B 0Do* q XB D 0DoVrL  E# & F <h0 4NO f2 G 6oRB R s *Do RB S s *Do ]8  | Y f W <h z 3YES f2 X 6o |kF  | Z  < [ <h z 3YES f2 \ 6o |RB f s *DoRB g s *DoV k Bh--o :   m 6h{ k5Contact Radiation Safety Officer for assistance x67716(26  n BLh--o%>\ :   o 6h9 i3Contact ϲʹ Hazmat for disposal or assistance x56174(24 XB T 0Do qL  | ]# P  ^ <hh z 3YES f2 _ 6o |XB h 0Do x Bh--o :   u 6h f2Contact Incinerator Supervisor for disposal x702033 XB U 0Do qL  | `# <   a <$i z 3YES f2 b 6o |XB i 0DoT  d" | <o  } 6i   Collect sharps in puncture-resistant container marked  Sharps . 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