Travel updates

The travel customer service office is currently training two new team members and recruiting for a student office assistant. Processing time may be delayed by 1-2 business days. We thank you for your patience and understanding while we navigate transitions.

Open Recruitments:

  • Travel office assistant -

Friendly Reminders

  • The university requires airfare for approved travel be purchased at least 14 days in advance unless there are extenuating circumstances. Booking under 14 days requires supervisor approval and a documented business reason.
  • Direct deposit is the preferred and quickest method for travel reimbursements (different from payroll). Travel reimbursement checks are issued twice a month, every other Wednesday. How to sign up for direct deposit:
    1. Login to UA Online
    2. Select the "Finance" tab
    3. Select "Direct Deposit Services"
    4. Follow the instructions for first time setup, change account, etc.

    • Available to employees traveling on UA business
    • University billed and paid
    • Can be used for travel expenses
    • Transactions feed into "Available expenses" in Concur
    • Transactions are reconciled by assigning and submitting them on an expense report


  • Car rental, airfare and lodging inventory shortages are being reported in a record breaking year (so far) for travel. Book early to secure arrangements!
  • The offer competitive pricing and additional benefits such as reducing the minimum age requirement, includes insurance coverage.