Wood Center Food Pantry seeks donations

Do you have any spare shelf-stable food, paper products, or menstrual items? The Wood Center Food Pantry needs your donations! Over the summer, there was a 300% increase in people using the food pantry.  From Aug. 21-30 the program has received as many requests for assistance as it did in the first six weeks of fall 2022.

Please bring donations to the Wood Center Food Pantry collection bins located at the bottom of the stairs by the Wood Center front desk. .

The Wood Center Food Pantry relies on donations to stay stocked. Items must be shelf-stable, unopened and unexpired. All items are needed, but proteins (peanut butter, canned fish and other shelf-stable meat), pre-made single-serve meals, soups, menstrual pads and toilet paper are usually in high demand.

Thank you for considering supporting the Wood Center Food Pantry.