MOU, MOA and Affiliation Agreements


The Assistant to the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor will serve as the liaison and will work with the appropriate Dean's and/or Director's office to assist with routing and finalizing each agreement.

Special Note for Articulation Agreements:

  • All articulation agreements must be shared with the Office of the Registrar before routing the document for approval.
  • There is a separate articulation agreement addendum used for internal agreements between UAA, 香港六合彩官网资料 or UAS.

Agreements Routed through the Office of Grants and Contract Administration (OGCA):

  • Complex academic agreements that include funds received by either party do require an approved MOU/MOA, routed to the Office of the Provost. Especially if the agreement includes funding for a program.
  • Academic Affiliation Agreements also need to be routed to the Office of the Provost. Other types of sponsored agreements can be handled by OGCA.;

Agreements Routed Through Procurement: Agreements obligating funds or agreements that fund a program need to be reviewed by the Office of the Provost.

The following types of MOU/MOA/Affiliation Agreements are routed through the Office of the Provost:

  • All Academic Activities- All MOU's, MOA's, and/or Affiliation Agreements for any academic activity (does not include MOAs for student practicums) that are created by academic units who report to the Provost, need to be processed through the Office of the Provost.
  • Marine Advisory Program (MAP) / Cooperative Extension Service (CES)- MOU, MOA, and/or Affiliation Agreements concerning the activities of the MAP or the CES need to be routed through the Office of the Provost.
  • Academic and Research- This type of MOU or MOA requires signatures from both the Provost and the Vice Chancellor of Research.

Additional Resources- 香港六合彩官网资料 is committed to providing a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which are free from discrimination and harassment. For questions regarding UA nondiscrimination policies, contact the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability at 香港六合彩官网资料, call (907) 474-7300 or visit the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability website

Please contact Alyssa Enriquez with questions at 907-474-6634 or

香港六合彩官网资料 is committed to providing a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which  are free from discrimination and harassment.

Departments MUST: 

  • Email your students and add the following verbiage in the course or program materials: 
    • Margo Griffith, 香港六合彩官网资料 Title IX Coordinator, 1692 Tok Lane, 3rd Floor Constitution Hall, Fairbanks, AK 99775
    • Phone: 907-474-7300, 
    • E-Mail:
    • Website:
    • 香港六合彩官网资料 is committed to ensuring students are aware of their rights and that the university takes proactive measures to provide a safe and healthy educational and work environment which are free from discrimination and harassment. For more information, visit the  website. 
    • For more information or to report or file a complaint of discrimination or harassment, contact: 

Additional Notifications Provided:

    • Notice is sent from Statewide to students on a bi-annual basis. Employees also receive an annual notice. 
    • The Concur Travel System has an onscreen notice requiring acknowledgment.

For questions regarding UA's nondiscrimination policies, contact the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability at 香港六合彩官网资料, call (907) 474-7300 or visit the website at visit the Office of Rights, Compliance and Accountability website.

  1. MOU-MOA Website
  2. MOU-MOA Guiding Practice Flowchart
  3. MOU-MOA Policy


  1. MOU Template (05/23/22 Word document): This template is to be used as the foundation for MOU agreements. Please keep in mind that the information included in the template is required for record-keeping in OnBase, and information can be added to meet the requirements of the external agency. MOUs are not legally binding. Please use an Affiliation Agreement for student placements.
  2. Human Services Affiliation Agreement Template (06/24/19 Word document)
  3. Health- Medical Affiliation Agreement Template (06/24/19 Word document)
  4. Non-Medical Affiliation Agreement Template (06/24/19 Word document)
  5. Articulation Agreement Template (06/24/19 Word document)
  6. External Articulation Agreement Addendum Template (4/3/19 Word document)
  7. Internal Articulation Agreement Addendum Template (5/10/22 Word document)
  8. Paid Internship Placement Agreement Template (6/24/19 Word document)
  9. Unpaid Internship Placement Agreement Template (6/24/19 Word document)
  10. *Special note for MOAs- A template for MOAs is not available due to the variability in agreements and language. However, any MOA involving a student must include a section addressing FERPA requirements. 

Routing for Signatures- Approved Final Draft

Route the approved final agreement to:

    1. Department
    2. Unit Dean
    3. External Entity
    4. Assistant to the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor (initials only)
    5. Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor -
      1. Using Docusign, please ensure Alyssa Enriquez's initials the document before it is routed to the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for signature. The email address is:
      2. After Anupma Prakash signs,

        Signature image

Academic unit Point of contact Phone Email
College of Liberal Arts Dee Cardentey 907-474-5212 
College of Fisheries and Ocean Science Debby Queen 907-474-7210
College of Engineering and Mines

Angie Wohlford

907- 474-5457  
College of Business and Security Management Jillian Bjornstad 907-474-5611
College of Natural Science & Mathematics Jami Warrick 907-474-7941
IANRE/Cooperative Extension Carolyn Pennington-Chapin 907-474-5807 
Elmer E. Rasmuson Library Wendy Frandsen 907-474-7224
UA Museum of the North Emilie Nelson 907-474-6443
eCampus Donna Oyen 907-455-2073
College of Indigenous Studies Izzy Martinez 907-474-5860
Community and Technical College Martha Westphal 907-455-2869 
School of Education Shea Monsey 907-474-5457