
The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:


WHEREAS by a vote of 18 in favor of Dr. Melvyn Nathanson, 8 in favor 
	of Dr. Joan Wadlow and 5 abstentions, the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate 
	endorses the candidacy of Melvyn Nathanson for the position of 
	Chancellor of 香港六合彩官网资料.

	RATIONALE:	This reflects the distribution of the votes 
		taken after discussion of the two candidate's merits.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to adopt the following policy on 500-
level courses:

	All 500-level courses offered at 香港六合彩官网资料 will be designated as 
	POST BACCALAUREATE professional development courses. 

	500-level courses are intended as post-baccaulaurate 
	experiences for professionals who desire to continue their 
	educational experiences at a level distinct from graduate level 

	500-level special topics and independent study courses 
	designated 593, 595, or 597 shall not apply toward any degree, 
	certification or credential program.  Responsibility for 
	curricular review of these courses rests with the college or 
	school offering such courses.

	Other 500-level numbered courses which are to be applied to 
	degree, certification or credential programs must follow 
	current university academic review procedures which will 
	include a review by the Senate Curricular Affairs Committee.

	For purposes of tuition and fee assessment, professional 
	development courses will be charged at a rate equal to or 
	higher than graduate course tuition.

	RATIONALE: 	This motion clarifies the definition and use 
		of 500-level courses.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91

Approved with Modifications Indicated:  Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor  
	Date:  5/8/91

*Addition is to assure clarification that professional 
development courses are postbaccalaureate.  Pat O'Rourke


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate approves the attached transfer guidelines 
for students transferring to 香港六合彩官网资料 beginning Fall 1991.

	RATIONALE:	These guidelines reflect changes agreed to by 
		the original core committees, by the core review 
		committee and by the curricular affairs committee based 
		on examination of course selections by past transfer 
		students, especially from other MAUs in the UA system.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91

Approved:  Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor  	Date:  5/6/91

*I found it necessary to make two modification to this policy in 
order to better facilitate students and to extend a higher level of 
good faith to other Alaskan institutions within the UA system.  
Although we have a carefully crafted set of requirements for 
students who do their work at this University, we better aid 
students and encourage them when we extend some latitude to 
them when they have taken courses which fulfilled the general 
education requirements at another institution.  Although they may 
not exactly match our requirements, we should assume that they 
have learned similar, albeit alternative knowledge.
				Pat O'Rourke



The following table specifies courses completed at other 
institutions which may substitute for 香港六合彩官网资料's core curriculum 
requirements.  Use of a course for both core and degree 
requirements will be allowed only with specific approval by 



Math 131			a 100-level/above mathematics 
				course having a prerequisite of at
				least two years of high school 

Math 162, 200, 201, 202, 272	a calculus course at the 100-

English 111			the required first semester 
				freshman composition course at 
				the 100-level.  Must be basic 
				freshman composition and not 

English 211/213 		the second half of the 
				introductory composition series 
				[[(requiring a research paper)]] at
				the 100-level or above  (PJO'R)

Speech 131/141  		a 100-level/above course in 
				fundamentals of oral 
				communication [[which requires a 
				formal presentation to an 
				audience]]  (PJO'R)

Natural sciences, 8 credits   	courses in a basic natural 
				sciences--biology, chemistry, 
				earth sciences, physics--with 
				labs, at the 100-level/above.  


Modern World History   		a Western or non-Western 
				civilization course [covering a 
				period of time from 1800 to the 
				present] at the 100-level or above

Political Economy		a [lower-division] FOUNDATION 
				course in political science, [or] 
				economics, OR LAW

Individual, Society & Culture	a foundation course in sociology, 
				social/cultural anthropology, [or] 
				social psychology, PSYCHOLOGY, 

World Literatures		a literature course taken at the 
				[200] 100-level/above

Aesthetic Appreciation		[an] A HISTORY OR appreciation 
				course in art, [drama] THEATER, or 
				music at the 100-level/above

Values and Choice		an upper division course in ethics 


CAPS = Additions 	[  ] = Deletions

	EFFECTIVE: 	Fall 1991
			Upon Chancellor's Approval

	RATIONALE:  To enhance the articulation of transfer guidelines 
		with those in effect at UAA, UAS, following Regents' 
		policy on transfer credits.


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (with 6 nays)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to refer to Curricular Affairs for 
further review the Resolution on interdisciplinary studies 

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves that the Core Review Subcommittee 
of Curriculum Affairs shall be charged with the following additional 

	1.	Coordinate and recommend changes to the core 
	2. 	Develop an assessment process for the core curriculum
	3. 	Monitor transfer guidelines for core courses
	4. 	Evaluate guidelines in light of total core experience.

	RATIONALE:	It is necessary to coordinate changes to the 

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to request that the current 香港六合彩官网资料 
Faculty Senate President, Ray Highsmith, be added to the Financial 
Flexibility Task Force.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91

Approved:  Pat O'Rourke, Chancellor   	Date:  4/17/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate recommends that the Quality Review of 
Academic programs be required to occur during the year in which 
those programs normally undergo professional external 
accreditation review.  The Senate further requests the Chancellor to 
forward this recommendation to the President.

	RATIONALE:	The current Quality Review proposal does not 
		require the coordination of Quality Program external 
		review with existing professional external review.  The 
		current document does indicate that it is preferable for 
		coordination to occur.  Given the expense in terms of 
		faculty time and institutional dollars, such a 
		coordination should be mandatory.  To ask programs to go 
		through multiple external reviews in a short span of time 
		is not the most efficient or effective use of faculty time 
		and institutional resources.

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91

Approved:  Pat O'Rourke, Chancellor   		Date:  4/17/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate recommends to the Board of Regents that the 
attached list of individuals be awarded the appropriate 香港六合彩官网资料 degrees 
pending completion of all University requirements.  [Note:  copy of 
the list is available in the Governance Office, 312 Signers' Hall.]

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	These degrees are granted upon 
		recommendation of the faculty.  As the representative 
		body of the faculty, we are making that recommendation.

Signed:  Raymond C. Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate
	Date:  4/23/91

Approved:  Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor  	Date:  5/8/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on 
April 15, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to adopt the attached resolution of 
appreciation for Chancellor Patrick J. O'Rourke:

Signed:  John Leipzig, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  4/15/91


WHEREAS, Dr. Patrick J. O'Rourke has given ten years of faithful service as Chancellor to the University of Alaska Fairbanks during a very challenging period, and WHEREAS, Dr. O'Rourke as Chancellor has been a steadfast advocate for 香港六合彩官网资料 with the Statewide Administration, the Board of Regents and the Alaska State Legislature, and WHEREAS, during his tenure the University grew in terms of numbers of degrees, facilities, and students, and WHEREAS, he worked diligently to make the restructured 香港六合彩官网资料 work for the betterment of its various publics both before and after restructure, and WHEREAS, Dr. O'Rourke supported the development of the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate and made himself readily available to its members, and WHEREAS, during his Chancellorship a new enhanced Core Curriculum was approved by the Senate and the administration at 香港六合彩官网资料, and WHEREAS, Dr. O'Rourke and the Senate worked together to create an improved climate for shared leadership as evidenced by the creation of a new Department Head Policy and another policy outlining the Faculty Senate's role in the evaluation of academic administrators, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate at 香港六合彩官网资料 wishes to extend its appreciation to Dr. Patrick J. O'Rourke for his service to the Senate and to the University of Alaska Fairbanks. DATED THIS FIFTEENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1991. John Leipzig, President 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate ------------------------------------------------------------- The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on April 15, 1991: RESOLUTION PASSED (unanimous approval) ================== The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to adopt the attached resolution of appreciation for John S. Leipzig. Signed: Raymond C. Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate Date: 4/23/91
WHEREAS, John S. Leipzig has served the General Assembly, Academic Council and 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate in a manner deserving of the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate's greatest admiration and respect; and WHEREAS, John S. Leipzig has served as a member of the Committee on Faculty Governance from 1986-1987; and WHEREAS, John S. Leipzig has served as a member of the Academic Council from 1986-1988 and as chair from 1987-1988; and WHEREAS, John S. Leipzig has served on the Steering Committee and was co-convener of the Faculty Senate Section of the Constitution Convention in 1987; and WHEREAS, John S. Leipzig has served as Executive Committee member of the statewide General Assembly UA system from 1988-1990; and WHEREAS, John S. Leipzig has served as President-Elect of the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate from 1988-1990; and WHEREAS, John S. Leipzig has served as President of the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate from 1990-1991; and WHEREAS, The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate wishes to acknowledge the outstanding service rendered the faculty by the work of John S. Leipzig as he concludes his term as president; now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate wishes to acknowledge the many contributions of John S. Leipzig and expresses its appreciation for his exemplary service. DATED THIS FIFTEENTH DAY OF APRIL, 1991. President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate ------------------------------------------------------------- The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #26 on April 15, 1991: MOTION PASSED (unanimous approval) ============== The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to endorse the attached proposed amendments to Regents' Regulation 10.01.04. on Honorary Degrees Recipients with the following recommended change in paragraph 2: Nominations MUST ((will)) be submitted to the appropriate CHANCELLOR ((campus)) for ((faculty)) REVIEW BY THE FACULTY HONORARY DEGREE COMMITTEE FOLLOWED BY ((and)) recommendation by the ((cognizant)) chancellor to the UNIVERSITY SYSTEM president. RATIONALE: This clarifies that the nominations will be reviewed by a faculty committee rather than the whole faculty body. Signed: Raymond C. Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate Date: 4/23/91 Approved: Patrick J. O'Rourke, Chancellor Date: 5/8/91 **Actually, this motion does a lot more than merely clarify that it is a committee which acts on behalf of the faculty. This motion must now be submitted to the General Assembly because it seeks to modify Regents' Regulations. PJO'R MANUAL OF REGULATIONS 10.01.04
SMALL CAPS = additions (( )) = deletions REGULATION 10.01.04 Honorary DEGREES ((Degree Recipients)) Nominations for honorary degree candidates may be made at any time by members of the Board of Regents, members of the university community((, through the cognizant Chancellors, and by the)) OR citizens of the state. ((Nominations for honorary degrees to be conferred at spring commencements must be submitted to the Office of the President by September 1st. )) Nominations MUST ((will)) be submitted to the appropriate CHANCELLOR ((campus)) for ((faculty)) REVIEW BY THE FACULTY HONORARY DEGREE COMMITTEE FOLLOWED BY ((and)) recommendation by the ((cognizant)) chancellor to the UNIVERSITY SYSTEM president. The Board OF REGENTS NORMALLY will approve nominations at ((a scheduled board)) MEETINGS SCHEDULED DURING DECEMBER - FEBRUARY. ((meeting preceding December 1st.)) Honorary degree recipients will be announced PRIOR TO THE AWARD CEREMONY AT A TIME TO BE DETERMINED BY THE COGNIZANT CHANCELLOR. ((in February.)) In order to provide sufficient lead time to invite commencement speakers upon whom an honorary degree is to be conferred, nominations for such persons may be proposed and acted upon UP TO TWO YEARS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT. ((in advance of the schedule in the above paragraph. A ranked slate of candidates may be accepted by the Board with the proviso that the persons on the slate would be contacted in order and only those persons who accept speaking engagements would receive honorary degrees.)) (Moved from above) Nominations will include a brief statement of the following information on each candidate: Name and pertinent personal information; Education (degrees received); Contributions to the university and/or the state; Rationale for recommendation for honorary degree; THE TYPE OF HONORARY DEGREE TO BE AWARDED SHOULD BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: DOCTOR OF LAWS (LL.D.) *FOR PERSONS DISTINGUISHED IN GENERAL SERVICE TO THE STATE, TO LEARNING, AND TO MANKIND; DOCTOR OF LETTERS (LITT.D.) *FOR PERSONS DISTINGUISHED IN SCHOLARLY WORK OF A SOMEWHAT RESTRICTED NATURE; USUALLY CONFERRED UPON SCHOLARS IN PARTICULAR DISCIPLINES; DOCTOR OF SCIENCE (SC.D.) *FOR PERSONS WHO HAVE MADE DISTINGUISHED CONTRIBUTION AND PERFORMED SERVICES IN THE SCIENCES; DOCTOR OF HUMANE LETTERS (L.H.D.) *FOR PERSONS WHO HAVE DISTINGUISHED THEMSELVES IN THE HUMANITIES. Meritorious Service Awards Nominations for meritorious service award candidates may be made at any time by members of the Board of Regents, members of the university community, (( through the appropriate campus director, rural education dean or cooperative extension service director and the cognizant chancellor and by the)) OR citizens of the state. ((Nominations for Meritorious Service Awards to be awarded at spring commencements must be submitted to the office of the university president by October 1. )) Nominations MUST ((will)) be submitted to the appropriate COMMUNITY COLLEGE PRESIDENT, campus director, SCHOOL or COLLEGE dean, OR EXTENSION SERVICE DIRECTOR for appropriate faculty review, appropriate advisory council review, and recommendation by the cognizant chancellor to the university president. The Board of Regents NORMALLY will approve nominations at ((a scheduled BOARD MEETINGS SCHEDULED DURING DECEMBER - FEBRUARY. ((meeting preceding December 1. )) Meritorious Service Award recipients will be announced PRIOR TO THE AWARD CEREMONY AT A TIME TO BE DETERMINED BY THE COGNIZANT CHANCELLOR. ((in February.)) (Moved from above) Nominations will include a brief statement of the following information on each candidate: Name and pertinent personal information Contributions to the university and / or the community / state Rationale for recommendation for meritorious service award