
The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (6 nays, 3 abstentions)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to approve the following policy on 
cross-listing 400 and 600 level courses.

That 400 level (senior) courses may be double listed as 400/600.  
The 600 level version of the course must require additional student 
effort, such as a seminar or a term paper, to reflect the greater 
acuity that we expect  from graduate students.

That the decision of which 400 level courses become double listed 
as 400/600 is a departmental one, based on a vote of the faculty.  
Following this, the changes should follow normal procedures 
established for other graduate course changes.  

That graduate students may not take any 600 level courses for 
credit if they have already received 400 level credit for that course 
in their undergraduate work.  Individual exceptions to this rule 
include those courses where there has been a major shift in focus, 
and should be judged by the Instructor and the department.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Fall 1992

	RATIONALE:	This motion will allow graduate students 
		to earn credit toward their degree for courses that 
		they may not have taken as undergraduates.  The motion 
		also allows for increased enrollment and instructor 
		efficiency in our 400 level courses, increases the 
		educational opportunities for our graduate students, 
		and increased exposure of our advanced undergraduates 
		to graduate students.  Additionally, this motion will 
		allow increased graduate student enrollment for credit 
		in formerly 400 level courses without changing the 600 
		level requirements for our advanced degrees.  The quality 
		level will be insured by the Graduate Council review.  

Signed:  R.C. Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91

Approved:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  		Date:  12/16/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:


BE IT RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate accepts the 
	recommendations submitted in the Report of the Governance 
	Task Force of the University of Alaska General Assembly with 
	MEMBERS in that the membership of the System Governance 
	Council shall consist of two faculty, one staff, and one student 
	representative from each of the three major academic centers 
	(UAA, 香港六合彩官网资料, UAS) and one staff representative from the 
	Statewide Administrative Assembly for a total number of 
	thirteen voting members.  Those representatives from the 
	major academic centers shall be elected from the appropriate 
	governance bodies.

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:


BE IT RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate ratifies the election of 
three individuals selected on the basis of the following ballot.   



Please vote for THREE individuals to serve on the Faculty Appeals 
Committee for promotion and tenure.

		  **		DeAnne Hallsten, SCCE
				Associate Professor of Career Counseling

		  **		Scott Huang, SME
				Professor of Geological Engineering

		  **		William Harrison, CNS
				Professor of Physics

Current Membership:

Janis Lull, CLA
Associate Professor of English

Nag Rao, CRA
Professor of Sociology

** Newly elected members.

	EFFECTIVE: 	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	The Faculty Appeals Committee is composed 
		of five members, serving staggered two-year terms.  
		The Senate must ratify the election.  

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (1 nay, 3 abstentions)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate endorses the definitions associated with 
developmental education programs as proposed by the General 
Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on Developmental Education.

	RATIONALE:	These definitions allow us to address 
		developmental education in terms of academic programs 
		and service areas.

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:

MOTION PASSED (1 nay, 5 abstentions)

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to approve the following policy on 
computing Grade Point Average (GPA).

Grade Point Average (GPA) will be computed as described in the 香港六合彩官网资料 
catalog based on a 4 point system:  A (4.0), A- (3.7), B+ (3.3), B (3.0), 
B- (2.7), C+ (2.3), C (2.0), C- (1.7), D+ (1.3), D (1.0), D- (.7), F (0.0).

	EFFECTIVE: 	Fall 1992

	RATIONALE:	To bring the GPA system in line with the 
		letter grade on the transcript.  

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91

Approved:  Joan Wadlow, Chancellor  		Date:  12/16/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (6 nays, 1 abstention)

BE IT RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate reaffirms the 
	University of Alaska Board of Regent's Policy, 04.10.01, 
	Academic Freedom, to wit:  "The University of Alaska is 
	dedicated to providing the environment of free and honest 
	inquiry essential to its functioning.  Nothing contained in 
	Regents' policies or university regulations shall be construed 
	to limit or abridge any person's right to free speech or to 
	infringe the academic freedom of any member of the University 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate affirms those 
	portions of the Academic Freedom and Tenure, 1940 Statement 
	of Principles and Interpretive Comments of the American 
	Association of University Professors, that address the faculty 
	member's responsibility to academic freedom, to wit:  "The 
	college or university teacher is a citizen, a member of a 
	learned profession, and an officer of an educational 
	institution.  When he speaks or writes as a citizen, he should 
	be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but his 
	special position in the community imposes special obligations.  
	As a man of learning and an educational officer, he should 
	remember that the public may judge his profession and his 
	institution by his utterances.  Hence he should at all times be 
	accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show 
	respect for the opinions of others, and should make every 
	effort to indicate that he is not an institutional spokesman."

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:

RESOLUTION PASSED (1 abstention)

BE IT RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to confirm the 
1991-92 membership on the Committee to Nominate Commencement 
Speaker and Honorary Degree Recipients membership, as follows:


David Hales 				Jack Distad
Alaska and Polar Regions		Mathematics

Koji Kawasaki 				Rudolph Krejci
Physics					Philosophy

Claus M. Naske     			Benjamin Kline
History					History

Karen Cedzo, Associate Vice Chancellor
University Relations

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:


WHEREAS, AS香港六合彩官网资料 has taken the initiative to start a recycling 
	program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and 

WHEREAS, AS香港六合彩官网资料 recycling program currently includes aluminum, 
	paper, and newsprint/magazines, and

WHEREAS, Recycling decreases the amount of waste in landfills, and

WHEREAS, Alaska state law requires that 15% of our total volume of 
	paper purchased be recycled, and

WHEREAS, The Board of Regents Policy 05.13.01 - Resource Recovery 
	and Conservation states that each University department shall 
	take an active role in resource recovery and conservation by 
	recycling, now 

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate encourages 
	active participation by all University employees, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate goes on 
	record commending AS香港六合彩官网资料 for the fine job they have done with 
	the recycling program on campus.  

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting #31 on 
December 9, 1991:


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate, in light of 
	the recent controversy over grading policies, reaffirms the 
	unequivocal commitment of the faculty to equal opportunity 
	and assessment for all students, regardless of race, gender, 
	and cultural or linguistic background.

Signed:  Ray Highsmith, President, 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate    Date:  12/13/91