
The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 82 on 
October 12, 1998:


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to approve the following changes to 
the Governance Coordinating Committee procedures. 

	EFFECTIVE:  	Upon Chancellor's Approval

	RATIONALE:  	The recommended changes clarify the role 
		of the Governance Coordinating Committee in the 
		governance structure at the University of Alaska 
		Fairbanks.  Amendments to the Procedures require a 
		two-thirds vote from each of the three governing 

The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 82 on 
October 12, 1998:


The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to recommend that the proposed 
Regents' Policy and University Regulation 09.99.01--Recreational 
and Intercollegiate Athletics as submitted by the Board of Regents 
to the Faculty Alliance be accepted.

	EFFECTIVE:  	Immediately

	RATIONALE:	Proposed changes to the original policy are 
		to:  1) clarify the intention of the policy and bring it up 
		to date, particularly with expectations for non-
		discrimination and gender equity; and 2) stress that 
		expectations for recreational and intercollegiate 
		athletics should be commensurate with the resources 
		available to and controlled by the MAU.


[[   ]]  = Deletion
CAPS = Addition

REGENTS' POLICY  					09.99.00

Recreational and [[Competitive]] INTERCOLLEGIATE Athletics GENERAL STATEMENT: RECREATIONAL AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS [[Preamble]] P09.99.01 THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA WILL SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN RECREATIONAL AND/OR INTER- COLLEGIATE ATHLETICS. EACH MAU WILL DETERMINE THE LEVEL OF SUPPORT FOR SUCH ACTIVITIES WHICH IS CONSISTENT WITH THE MAU'S MISSION AND WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ITS FACILITIES, RESOURCES, AND PERSONNEL. WHILE OPPORTUNITIES MAY BE MADE AVAILABLE TO THE TOTAL CAMPUS COMMUNITY, PRIORITY WILL BE GIVEN TO STUDENT PARTICIPANTS. [[The University of Alaska supports the development of opportunities for men and women to participate in recreational and competitive athletics ancillary to academic development throughout its system. The university will provide opportunities for student participation in sports experiences through recreational, intramural, and extramural physical activities, and further will develop selected intercollegiate competitive team programs with which units of the University of Alaska system and their respective communities can identify. (12-11-81) Student Participation P09.99.02 Each campus encourages the participation of each student in at least one sports activity of life time value which may be achieved through spontaneous recreational participation, intramural, extramural, and competitive sports programs. (12-11-81) ]] ATHLETIC [[Physical]] Activities P09.99.02 [[03]] A. Recreational Athletics [[P09.99.03(A)]] The University of Alaska will encourage [[spontaneous]] recreational activities by providing facility use [[time.]], WITHIN THE LIMITS OF FACILITY AVAILABILITY, RESOURCES, AND PERSONNEL. [[Priority in recreational athletics will be given to student participants with opportunities available to the total campus constituency. These opportunities are inclusive of all casual physical activities and limited only by the mind of the user and the appropriateness of the facilities. The University of Alaska will strive to provide the fiscal and physical support that is necessary to create this opportunity. (12-11-81) ]] B. Intramural Athletics [[P09.99.03(B)]] The University of Alaska WILL encourage[[s]] the development of campus intramural ATHLETICS [[sports]] which allows [[non-varsity]] competition among [[men and women]] students and faculty-staff groups. [[in a wide variety of athletic activities.]] Students should play a primary role in the selection and management of [[the particular]] intramural activities. [[conducted.]] C. Extramural Athletics [[P09.99.03(C)]] [[Institutions within]] The University of Alaska [[system]] may establish and sponsor teams in organized competitive programs outside of the CAMPUS [[institution]] SUCH AS WITH [[including but not limited to]] city leagues, church leagues, inter-school competition, and organized tournaments. Preference for participation on these teams [[shall]] WILL be given to [[currently enrolled]] students. [[Rules of competition shall be established by the sponsoring organization. The University of Alaska system shall be encouraged to sponsor such organized competitive tournaments for participating institutions.]] University of Alaska facilities may be USED ON A SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS FOR EXTRAMURAL ATHLETICS. [[made available for such programs.]] D. Intercollegiate Athletics [[P09.99.03(D)]] Intercollegiate [[sports]] ATHLETICS ORGANIZED TO provide [[advance]] competitive opportunities for student athletes [[The University of Alaska shall promote, through recruiting and funding, competitive sports appropriate to the Alaska scene.]] WILL BE OPERATED UNDER MAU CONTROL WITH ACADEMIC AND FINANCIAL INTEGRITY, AND IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE ATHLETIC ORGANIZATION RULES. 1. Authorized Sports [[P09.99.03(D.1)]] Sports authorized for intercollegiate competition are: Basketball Cross-country Running Gymnastics Ice Hockey Riflery Skiing - Nordic and Alpine Swimming Volleyball Amendments to this list must be approved by the Board of Regents. (12-11-81) 2. Levels of Competition [[P09.99.03(D.2)]] The intercollegiate teams of the University of Alaska shall compete at a national organizational classification level commensurate with available funding, facilities, and skill levels of the athletes. Requests for membership in a particular organization and change in the approved classification level of competition will originate at the [[institution]] MAU, and must be approved by the Board of Regents 3. Participation by Alaskans [[P09.99.03(D.3)]] Participation by Alaskan athletes will be encouraged through active recruitment of Alaskans who are capable of athletic performance at the designated level of competition. 4. Participation by Alaskans [[P09.99.03(D.4)]] In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, a student must: a. meet the standards set by the appropriate national athletic organization; and b. meet the academic standards as established by the appropriate [[major administrative unit]] MAU. [[5. Intercollegiate Tournaments Sponsorship [[P09.99.03(D.5)]] [[Institutions within the University of Alaska may sponsor intercollegiate athletic tournaments provided funding for such tournaments has been approved in the intercollegiate athletics budget. In any newly established tournaments, the host Alaskan institution of such tournaments shall include the other Alaskan institutions among tournament participants when the teams are participating at the same division classification level.]] 5[[6.]] Common Opponents [[P09.99.03(D.6)]] [[The university endorses]] A "common opponents" philosophy WILL BE UTILIZED WHERE POSSIBLE within the conference structure and scheduling TO ALLOW MORE THAN ONE CAMPUS TO ENGAGE A VISITING TEAM DURING ITS TRAVEL IN THE STATE. [[possibilities.]] SOURCES OF Funding FOR [[of]] Athletics P09.99.03[[04]] [[For the four physical activities programs listed above, specific funds for capital improvements to accommodate increased student participation and for the management and support of the different programs will be identified in the long-range and annual planning and budgeting process at each MAU. The needs of these programs, in addition to the instructional needs of the academic units and programs, will be considered when planning for the development and use of sports facilities. (12-11-81) Intercollegiate athletics shall not dominate facility use nor funding to the detriment of recreational, extramural or intramural athletic opportunities nor shall one sport exclude the development of other intercollegiate, recreational, intramural, or extramural sports activities. Facilities of the institution may be available for public use as stated in Policy and Regulation 06.02.01.]] The support of athletic program expenses by local private sources (such as booster clubs or individuals) or supplementary activities MAY BE ENCOURAGED BUT SUCH SUPPORT MUST BE MADE [[will be channeled]] through MAU [[the university]] accounting systemS and WILL be subject to university accounting procedures, review and audit. NON-DISCRIMINATION AND GENDER EQUITY [[Equal Opportunity]] P09.99. 04[[05]] EACH CHANCELLOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE NON-DISCRIMINATION AND GENDER EQUITY MANDATES. [[The University of Alaska affirms its policy of providing equal opportunity for the participation of men and women in all intercollegiate, extramural, intramural, and recreational athletic activities (04.01.15), as well as equivalent institutional services, in compliance with federal and state law and regulation. Each chancellor and campus president is responsible for maintaining equal opportunity for men and women. ]] (12-11-81; revised [[12-17-81)]] DATE The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 82 on October 12, 1998: MOTION PASSED ============== The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to amend the 1999-2000 Academic Calendar as presented by the Registrar prepared in accordance to BOR policies and forward it to the Governance Coordinating Committee for action. EFFECTIVE: Immediately RATIONALE: The consensus of the Curricular Affairs Committee was that the 1999-2000 academic calendar should adhere to senate policy and can do so by scheduling final examinations in both fall and spring semesters for the period Wednesday through Saturday. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS - Fairbanks Campus ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1999-2000 FALL SEMESTER-1999 Registration for the 1999 fall semester begins Mon., Apr. 5, 1999 Fee payment begins Thurs., July 1 Application for admission deadline for fall semester Mon., Aug. 2 Orientation for new students Sun.-Wed., Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Residence halls open, 9 am Sun., Aug. 29 Financial aid disbursement begins Mon., Aug. 30 First day of instruction Thurs., Sept 2 Late registration begins Thurs., Sept 2 Labor Day (no classes) Mon., Sept. 6 Late registration and fee payment end Fri., Sept. 10 Last day for 100% refund of tuition and materials fees Fri., Sept. 10 Last day for student-initiated and faculty-initiated drops (course does not appear on academic record) Fri., Sept. 17 Last day for 50% refund of tuition (only) Fri., Sept. 17 Low grade reports for freshmen due not later than Fri., Oct. 8 Last day to apply for 1999 fall graduation Fri., Oct. 15 Last day for student-initiated and faculty-initiated withdrawals (W grade given for course) Fri., Oct. 29 Registration and fee payment for the 2000 spring semester begin Mon., Nov. 8 Thanksgiving holidays (no classes) Thurs.-Sun., Nov. 25-28 Last day of instruction Mon., Dec. 13 Final examinations [[Tues.-Fri., Dec. 14-17]] WED.-SAT., DEC. 15-18 Residence halls close, noon [[Sat., Dec. 18]] Sun., Dec. 19 Grades due to the Registrar's Office Tues., Dec. 21 Campus closed 5 p.m., Fri., Dec. 24, 1999 - 8 a.m., Mon., Jan 3. 2000 SPRING SEMESTER-2000 Application for admission deadline for spring semester Wed., Dec. 1, 1999 Orientation for new students Mon.-Tues., Jan. 10-11, 2000 Residence halls open, 9 a.m. Sun., Jan. 9 Financial aid disbursement begins Tues., Jan. 11 First day of instruction Thurs., Jan. 13 Late registration begins Thurs., Jan. 13 Alaska Civil Rights Day (no classes锟絣ate registration and fee payment continue) Mon., Jan. 17 Late registration and fee payment end Fri., Jan. 21 Last day for 100% refund of tuition and material fees Fri., Jan. 21 Last day for student-initiated and faculty-initiated drops (course does not appear on academic record) Fri., Jan. 28 Last day for 50% refund of tuition (only) Fri., Jan. 28 Last day to apply for 2000 spring graduation Tues., Feb. 15 Low grade reports for freshmen due not later than Fri., Feb. 18 Last day for student-initiated and faculty-initiated withdrawals (W grade given for course) Fri., Mar. 10 Spring recess Mon.-Sun., Mar. 13-19 Registration for the 2000 fall semester begin Mon., Apr. 3 All Campus Day (no classes) Fri., Apr. 21 Last day of instruction Mon., May 1 Final examinations [[Tues.-Fri., May 2-5]] Wed.-Sat., May 3-6 Residence halls close, noon [[Sat., May 6]] Sun., May 7 Commencement Sun., May 7 Grades due to the Registrar's Office Wed., May 10 Fee Payment for the 2000 fall semester begins Mon., July 3 The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 82 on October 12, 1998: MOTION PASSED (2 nays) ============== The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to delegate the authority to approve exceptions to academic policy (petitions) as follows: 1. For matters involving the CORE CURRICULUM: Faculty advisor, head of the department in the curricular area involved, through the Graduation Office to the chair of the Core Review Committee. An appeal of the chair's decision will be referred to the Provost for resolution. 2. For matters involving the MAJOR OR MINOR DEGREE REQUIREMENTS: Faculty advisor, department head in the major or minor area, to the Graduation Office. An appeal of this decision will be referred to the Dean in the major or minor area for resolution. 3. For OTHER matters: Faculty advisor, dean/director of the college/school of the student's major (who will consult with the appropriate department head(s)) to the Graduation Office. An appeal of this decision will be referred to the Provost for resolution. By the end of September, the Registrar's Office will supply the Curricular Affairs Committee with a brief summary of petition actions taken during the previous academic year. EFFECTIVE: Spring 1999 RATIONALE: The current petition process is too cumbersome and involves too many parties. Current policy also lacks any point of reference in the petition process. The proposed motion will simplify the process by reducing the number of parties, and by establishing a point of reference in the Graduation Office. The proposal provides academic quality assurance. The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate passed the following at its Meeting # 82 on October 12, 1998: MOTION PASSED ============== The 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Senate moves to refer the issue of amending the 香港六合彩官网资料 Faculty Appointment and Evaluation Policies & Regulations for the Evaluation of Faculty to the Faculty & Scholarly Affairs Committee. They will report back to the Senate no later than the May 1999 meeting. EFFECTIVE: Immediately