Instructors (Professor Home Role)

Important Information

Log into Nanook Navigator:

Sign up for training here:

Student concern or barrier alert case process
See the early engagement/progress report guide for more information.

Instructor Early Engagement Reports Resources

 Full early engagement report guide

  • Provide as much information as possible in the comments section
    • details about concern/feedback
    • outreach method completed (email, text, call, in-person)
    • student response to outreach
    • what can be done about the concern (submit a late assignment, attend tutoring, etc)
    • will the instructor accept work, be flexible
    • recommendations for the advisor and student
    • best option for the student to connect with the instructor (in class, office hours, appointment link)
    • if the student will be dropped or withdrawn from the course


Instructors are able to issue alerts in between progress reports. Alerts are a way to draw attention to a student who might be at risk for a variety of reasons, such as, needing tutoring, missing course materials, poor attendance, observations of student struggles, or other. Issuing an alert can draw attention to these students, create a virtual referral and prompt action from the student's academic advisors.

Here is the video on how to issue an alert:.

Text Message Students

Send text messages to students through Nanook Navigator. 

Please review the  before texting.

Getting Started

Learn how to log into your Nanook Navigator profile, switch roles, view assigned students, search for students, and change your profile semester data.

Here is the getting started training video: 
How to navigate the student profile video: 

Instructor Training Guide

Review the Nanook Navigator advisor training guide provided by the Education Advisory Board (EAB). This guide contains instructions for searching a student, setting up your availability, scheduling an appointment, completing an appointment summary report, messaging, progress reports, and alerts.

Education Advisory Board

Education Advisory Board (EAB) provides a variety of information, articles, data, handouts, and initiatives to the public. Anyone with an email address may create a profile in EAB to access more information, articles, data, handouts, and initiatives.

Instructor Advanced Search Guide

Review the Nanook Navigator advanced search user guide provided by the Education Advisory Board (EAB). This guide contains instructions for searching students and building a variety of queries and watch lists. 

E-mail in Nanook Navigator

Send e-mails to students, advisors or instructors in Nanook Navigator.

Sign up for training:

Nanook Navigator-

Getting Started Handout and

How to navigate the student profile video: 

Campus Guide 

EAB Resources-  (EAB) provides a variety of information, articles, data, handouts, and initiatives to the public. Anyone with an email address may create a profile in EAB to access more information, articles, data, handouts, and initiatives. Here is a handout with instructions on how to set up your EAB resources account.